Dion with Blayze coaching with another edition of coaching tips in under 60 seconds. Today we will talk about how I find the safest way to find the limit of my car.
When I am trying to find the limit safely, I focus on two types of things. First my initial brake application spot and second, in the long duration corners.
Initial Brake Application
So, the first way I find the limit is to focus on the big brake zone hairpin corners. I am going to brake at a very conservative, very early spot. But I am going to brake harder and hard until I am into the ABS. Or, until I am locking up the tires early in the brake zone.
I am purposely working on going over the limit. But, because I am braking really early I have got plenty of time to back it back down and make the corner. Now I know the limit. Your body is great at feeling the peak longitudinal G’s (braking and acceleration) and translating that to feeling the same peak G’s but laterally (cornering).
Long Duration Corners
Second, the long duration corners. These are corners with typically a small light brake or maybe even just a small lift. I want to drive it harder until it understeers. Until that steering wheel gets lighter. Then I back it down a little bit. A lot of drivers make the mistake of telling themselves, “I know it will understeer so let me go ahead and lift before it does.” No, we want to make the car understeer and then use our feet to reduce the understeer.
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