July 15, 2024

Overcoming Performance Anxiety: A Guide for Guitar Players

Sydney Ellen



Performance anxiety is a common challenge for many guitar players, especially when stepping onto the stage for the first time. However, the good news is that this overwhelming feeling diminishes with experience. Here's how you can manage and eventually overcome performance anxiety through consistent practice and positive self-talk.

The Evolution of Performance Anxiety

When I first played live, I felt extremely nervous, to the point where I wanted to throw up. It was an intense and uncomfortable experience. However, the more I performed, the more I noticed a shift in my emotions. The fear gradually gave way to excitement and pride in my guitar playing. By repeatedly putting myself in performance situations, I started looking forward to sharing the songs I had worked so hard on. This transition from fear to excitement was a game-changer.

Rely on Muscle Memory

One crucial tip for managing performance anxiety is to rely on your muscle memory. If you’ve practiced your songs over and over, your fingers will remember what to do even when your mind is overwhelmed with nerves. Trust that your muscle memory will kick in during those high-adrenaline moments. This confidence comes from knowing that you’ve prepared thoroughly and that your guitar playing is second nature.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Consistent practice is key to building the muscle memory you need to perform confidently. Make sure you know your songs inside and out. Repetition is your best friend here. The more you practice, the more ingrained the songs will become, allowing you to play them effortlessly even under pressure.

Positive Self-Talk

Before a challenging show or an open mic night, engage in positive self-talk. Remind yourself of how many times you've practiced each song and reassure yourself that you’re ready. I used to tell myself, "I've practiced this song 50 times. I'm as ready as I'll ever be." This mindset helped me calm my nerves and focus on the excitement of performing rather than the fear.

Let Go and Have Fun

When the moment comes to perform, let go of your worries and focus on having fun. Remember why you started playing guitar in the first place and enjoy the experience of sharing your music. Performance anxiety will always be present to some extent, but by embracing the joy of playing, you can turn it into a positive energy that enhances your performance.

Final Thoughts

Performance anxiety is a hurdle every musician faces, but it’s one that can be overcome with time, practice, and a positive mindset. Trust in your preparation, rely on your muscle memory, and remind yourself of the hard work you’ve put in. As you gain more experience, you'll find that the fear diminishes, making way for the excitement and fulfillment of sharing your music with others.

For more guitar lessons, tips, and insights, stay tuned to our blog and keep practicing! Your journey to becoming a confident performer starts with each practice session.


Check Out More From Our Series on Live Performances:

Memorize Songs Like a Pro: Techniques for Live Guitar Performances

Building the Perfect Set List for Your Guitar Performance

Essential Gear Checklist for Live Guitar Performances

The Importance of Rehearsing with Your Band: A Guide for Guitar Players


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Blayze | Sydney Ellen

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About the coach

Sydney Ellen

Guitarist, Songwriter, & Performer


Sydney Ellen is a guitarist, songwriter, and live performer, hailing from Southern California. A multi-faceted musician, Sydney was first a trained pianist at age five. Growing up listening to Classic Rock and being heavily influenced by the performance style of Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin), Sydney expanded her musical talent to the guitar, and soon after discovered her love for songwriting. Sydney attended Berklee College of Music, graduating Summa Cum Laude, and after two decades of curating her skills, still dedicates herself to perfecting her craft every single day. No stranger to the stage, Sydney has years of experience performing Classic Rock, Metal, Hard Rock, Funk, Motown, and Pop, but perhaps her greatest skill is her ability to perform on stage with an enviable sense of ease - a skill that has left her decorated with numerous awards as one of the top rising female guitarists in the rock scene. Sydney's music has been featured on 95.5 KLOS and Nikki Sixx's radio show - Sixx Sense. Sydney has also worked with top brands like Barbie, Mattel, Hilton, EMG Pickups, Bones Coffee, and more. As a coach for over 10 years, and a Fender Play Instructor for over 5 years, she discovered a passion for helping others find the joys of learning an instrument. Sydney loves improving her abilities as a coach like developing new approaches to learning and memory, discovering techniques and skills through songs, and redefining the meaning of “practice” in our daily routine.

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