May 31, 2023

Question of the week: How Do I Get Better at Taking Headers?

Blayze Newsletter


Question of the week: How Do I Get Better at Taking Headers? Image

It is not uncommon for soccer players to lack confidence when it comes to taking headers. Headers can be a fun and exciting part of the game,🥅 but they can also be challenging.

With a little practice and some helpful tips for Blayze professional coach Zoe Morse, you will become more confident with headers in no time!

Elements of Taking a Header

âš½Keep Your Eye on the Ball - It is essential to keep your eye on the ball the whole time. Do not close your eyes. This helps you judge the ball’s trajectory and make better contact with your head. Your eyes may naturally close at the point of contact.

âš½Use Your Forehead - The best part of your head to use is your forehead. It’s

âš½Time Your Jump – Your timing is everything with headers. You want to jump at the right time to hit the ball at its highest point. This will give you more power and control over the header.

âš½Use Your Body – You want to use your body to generate power and momentum. Use your arms to help lift yourself off the ground and your core to stabilize your body as you make contact. Bend your knees to spring forward.


The key to becoming a header pro is practice. If you are new to heading, know that it takes a while for the neck muscles to build.💪 This helps increase the power and direction of the ball.

Use a wall or a teammate to practice jumping and heading. You can throw the ball off the wall and head it back. Or have a teammate toss it in the air for you.

Start by practicing headers with your feet 🦶on the ground. When you get more comfortable with heading the ball, add jumping. Throw the ball higher and jump to meet it. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you will become.

Being good at headers can make you a better all-around player. 🥇It can be a huge asset to your team both offensively and defensively.

Do you have a question that you want answered?  Reply to this email with your question and you might see it answered in our next newsletter!


Article of the week: What is Heading a Soccer Ball?

Heading a Soccer Ball

Heading is an important skill for any player on the field, but it can be dangerous if players do not know how to do it correctly. Read here to learn more about the different types of headers in soccer.

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