March 4, 2024

Question of the Week: How Do I Set Nutrition Resolutions?

Blayze Newsletter


Question of the Week: How Do I Set Nutrition Resolutions? Image

As soccer⚽ players set their sights on a new year of challenges and triumphs, there's no better time to reassess and revamp their approach to nutrition and diet. Fueling the body with the right nutrients is crucial for sustaining the high energy demands of the beautiful game.

In this week’s newsletter, Blayze soccer coach Sarah Woldmoe will explore essential nutrition and diet New Year resolutions tailored to soccer players, ensuring they're ready for peak performance on the field.

Prioritize Hydration💦

Resolution: "I will maintain optimal hydration levels before, during, and after training and matches."

Staying adequately hydrated is fundamental for peak athletic performance. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, decreased concentration, and increased risk of injuries. Soccer players should aim to consume a sufficient amount of water daily, considering factors like climate, intensity of training, and individual sweat rates.😓

Hydration is not just about drinking water; it also involves replenishing electrolytes lost during intense physical activity, making sports drinks a viable option during extended periods of exercise.

Create Balanced Meal Plans (if possible)🍇🍗

Resolution: "I will develop well-balanced meal plans that provide the necessary nutrients for my performance and recovery."

Nutrition is the cornerstone of a soccer player's physical well-being. Crafting balanced meals that include a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals is essential. Carbohydrates are particularly crucial for energy, while proteins aid in muscle repair and recovery. Incorporating whole foods such as lean meats, whole grains, fruits, 🍌and vegetables ensures a diverse and nutrient-rich diet.

**Depending on your age, you may need to ask your parents to assist you in purchasing these items and helping you make balanced meals. Just ask them! Most likely they would be happy to do it.👍

Timing Matters⌚

Resolution: "I will pay attention to meal timing to optimize energy levels and recovery."

When players eat is as important as what they eat. Consuming a pre-game meal rich in carbohydrates and moderate in protein 🥩a few hours before kickoff helps provide sustained energy. Post-game nutrition, within the first hour after a match or training session, is crucial for replenishing glycogen stores and initiating muscle recovery.

Additionally, incorporating small, nutrient-dense snacks between meals can help maintain energy⚡ levels throughout the day.

Mindful Snacking🧠

Resolution: "I will choose nutrient-dense snacks that support my performance goals."

Snacking plays a vital role in maintaining energy levels, especially during training days. Opting for snacks that combine carbohydrates and proteins can help sustain energy and promote muscle recovery. Examples include yogurt with fruit, whole-grain crackers with hummus, or a🍌 banana with nut butter. Avoiding sugary and processed snacks is key to sustaining energy levels without the subsequent crash.

Supplement Wisely💊

Resolution: "I will consider supplements based on individual needs and consult with a nutrition professional."

While a well-balanced diet should ideally provide all the necessary nutrients, supplements can be beneficial in certain situations. Soccer players should consult with a nutrition professional to determine their specific needs. Common supplements💊💊 for soccer players may include vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and, in some cases, protein supplements to meet increased protein requirements.


As soccer players usher in a new year, committing to nutrition and diet resolutions can be the game-changer they need for optimal performance and recovery. Hydration, balanced meal plans, strategic timing, mindful snacking, and informed supplementation collectively contribute to the holistic well-being of a player.

May the year ahead be fueled by nutrient-rich choices, enabling players to showcase their skills, resilience, and unwavering commitment on the soccer field.

Do you have a question that you want answered?  Reply to this email with your question and you might see it answered in our next newsletter!


Article of the Week: Nutrition for Soccer Players


Learn the foundation of proper nutrition for Soccer players from NWSL star and licensed nutritionist, Sarah Woldmoe.

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