August 20, 2023

Question of the Week: How Do I Talk to My Coach About More Playing Time?

Blayze Newsletter


Question of the Week: How Do I Talk to My Coach About More Playing Time? Image

There will be a time in every soccer ⚽player’s career when they may not get to spend as much time on the field as they would like. So how can you approach your coach to get more playtime?

Blayze coach Zoe Morse brings some advice on how you can EARN more time playing during a game.

Before you bring the subject up to your coach, you need to assess your own performance. Be honest with yourself. Have you been giving 100% during previous games and practices? Are there skills that you know you can improve? Take some time to reflect on these questions and write some ideas down.

Choose the Right Time and Place⌚
It is not a good idea to address your coach immediately after a game. Approaching them after an intense practice session is also not the best idea. Find a time when you are both less stressed. This may be after a regular practice session or during a scheduled one-on-one meeting. Let your coach know you want to discuss your performance with them and your coach can help you find a time to chat.

Be Prepared📃
After you set a time to meet with your coach and you’ve done a self-reflection, write down the main points that you want to discuss. This will help you focus and ensure you won’t forget to mention anything important.

Start With a Positive Attitude🙂
A positive attitude can go a long way with your coaches. When you open the conversation, recognize the work and effort your coach puts into the team. Show gratitude for having the opportunity to be part of the team. This will set a positive tone and help open the conversation for a constructive discussion.

Ask For Feedback📣
A better approach than asking directly for playtime is to ask your coach for feedback on your performance. You could say something along the lines of “Coach, I’m looking to improve and contribute more to the team. Do you have any feedback on areas where I can improve?” This will show that you are committed to the team’s success and personal growth.

Express Your Feelings😀
Tell your coach how much you enjoy being a part of the team. Be honest but respectful in what you say. “I love the game and feel I can contribute to the team more if I could get more playtime. Is there an opportunity for that in the upcoming games?”

Reiterate your dedication and commitment to the team 🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑and your desire to improve. Tell your coach you are ready to put in any extra work needed and that you are willing to come early or stay late.

Ask For a Plan📃
If your coach does give you feedback on areas where you can improve, ask if you can create a plan together. You can create a weekly or monthly plan to develop specific drills you should focus on or request if there is a senior player you can work with.

Stay Consistent and Patient💪
Once you talk with your coach, it is critical that you then put your words into action. If you told your coach you would run extra drills or participate in extra practices, be consistent and follow through. Your actions will show your coach that you are serious about helping your team and earning more playtime.

Know that coaching decisions can take time. They must make decisions that benefit the entire team. These decisions may not always align with your individual desires. Be patient and respect your coach’s decisions. Be willing to take and implement all feedback.

And remember, you will not get more play, you must earn more playtime. ⌛With hard work, consistency, and open communication, you can increase your chances of earning more time in a game.

Give your best, stay committed, and be ready for when your time comes.

Do you have a question that you want answered?  Reply to this email with your question and you might see it answered in our next newsletter!

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Spain Win Women's World Cup

For the first time in Women’s World Cup history, Spain lifted the tournament trophy as world champions. 

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