May 15, 2023

What is Heading a Soccer Ball?

Blayze Research


What is Heading a Soccer Ball? Image

Heading a soccer ball is an integral part of playing the game. The head is the only other body part, other than the legs, that can generate power, accuracy, and distance with the ball. Heading is an important skill for any player on the field, but it can be dangerous if players do not know how to do it correctly.

You can head the ball any time the ball is off the ground. It is a great technique to move the ball quickly and accurately in tight spaces. Most coaches do not explain to their team the proper technique to head the ball safely.

Soccer players that can head the ball will score more goals, clear the ball from the net area, and help their teammates win possession in the midfield.

Let’s first break down how to safely head a soccer ball before we go into the when and where to head the ball.

How to Safely Head a Soccer Ball

You need to use the correct form and technique to safely head the ball. Practice with someone who knows what they are doing before trying and heading on your own. An older teammate or a private coach is a great person to ask for help with this skill.

Like any other skill, headers take practice and repetition. You will want to spend as much time practicing them as possible. This will help you develop the necessary muscles and coordination that will allow you to execute a header successfully on game day.


When heading a soccer ball, keep your head up so that you can see where the ball is going before it gets there. Keep your eyes on the ball at all times while it is in the air. Try not to move too much when contacting the ball.

Plant your feet. If you stay on your toes or lean back on your heels, it will reduce your power.

Bend your knees slightly to help maintain your balance and to build momentum with your contact. Lean your body backward to build momentum before thrusting your body forward.

If the ball is too high, you will need to jump. Push off the ground as hard as you can. You will need to time your jump so that your head reaches the height of the ball.

Move your head forward quickly. You will generate more power the faster you head the ball. Use the middle of your forehead to head the ball.

Types of Headers

There are various types of headers that players should be aware of.

Defensive Soccer Header

The goal of a defensive header is to clear the ball as far away from your defensive third. You will want to hit the bottom of the ball with the top of the middle of your forehead. Head it as hard as you can while facing toward the sides of the field. You also want to try and keep the ball away from the middle of the field.

You want to head the ball upwards to buy time for your defense to get ready. If you head it down, it could go to the feet of your opponent.

Offensive Soccer Header

The offensive header is to attempt a shot on goal when you are in the penalty box. Try and leap higher than the ball so you can contact the top half of the soccer ball. Head the ball down and away from the goalkeeper. A lower ball is almost impossible for the goalie to stop. It also helps to keep the ball from going over the goal.

Diving Header

A diving header is a fun way to score a goal. Dive towards the ball and focus on making contact. Your dive forward will give you the momentum to create a powerful header. Make sure to land on your chest and arms and not your wrists!

Flick-on Header

You may not have even realized this type of header has a name, but a flick-on soccer header is when you head the ball toward a teammate. It is a great way to pass the ball and can be used to set up a breakaway with the keeper. To do a flick-on header, you want to head the ball with the top of your head while you move your head up and backward.

Tips on Winning Headers

Winning the soccer ball in the air is important. Here are three tips to help you win a header:

Make a Good Run

Just because you might be shorter than other players does not mean you will not win headers. A good run will make all the difference. If you can distance yourself from the defender, their height will not matter. You will want to focus on the timing of your runs so you can reach the ball before anyone else. You may need to cut away or spin away from the defender to get there before they do.

Improve Your Jump

If you can jump higher than your defender, you are more likely to reach the ball first. You can increase your jump height by doing drills like box jumps or strengthening drills that focus on your glutes and leg muscles. Ronaldo is one of the highest jumpers in professional soccer. He was not born that way, he trains himself to be one of the best jumpers so he can win more headers.

Use Your Arms

Give yourself space between you and the opponent by using your arms. You can also use your arms to feel for the defender to know where they are in relation to you. Some players use the opponent to push off for more height. But be careful, if the referee sees, you could get a foul called on you.

Safety First!

Being able to head a soccer ball is a valuable skill for any soccer player. But you want to remember to approach it with caution and safety in mind. Proper technique and form can help reduce the risk of injury.

You want to work on your heading skills slowly and build up your ability to head the ball over time. It is also important to listen to your body and seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms of a concussion or other head injury.

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