July 15, 2024

Essential Gear Checklist for Live Guitar Performances

Sydney Ellen



Today, we’re diving into a crucial topic for any aspiring performer: what gear should you bring to a live show? Performing live can be nerve-wracking, but being well-prepared can ease your anxiety and ensure everything runs smoothly. Let’s break down what you need to bring to your next gig.

Bring Extras of Everything

My short answer? Bring extras of everything. Here’s why: Murphy's Law states that whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. This means if you forget something, it’s likely to be the one thing you desperately need. So, pack extras of every piece of gear.

The Ultimate Gear Checklist

Here’s a detailed checklist to ensure you’re fully prepared:

  • Guitar: It might seem obvious, but don’t forget your guitar. Make a list and put your guitar at the top.
  • Second Guitar: If you have a backup guitar, bring it. If something happens to your primary guitar, you’ll have a spare ready to go.
  • Extra Strings: Always have a pack of extra strings in every guitar case. Strings can break at the worst possible moment, so be prepared.
  • Picks: Bring at least ten extra picks. You might drop one mid-song and need a replacement quickly.
  • Tuners: Have a tuner in each guitar case. Keeping your guitar in tune is crucial for a great performance.
  • Capo: Carry an extra capo in each guitar case. If your song requires a capo, a backup ensures you’re covered if one goes missing.
  • Cables: Bring multiple cables. You need them to connect your guitar to the amp and other equipment. They can malfunction, so having spares is essential.
  • Amp: Don’t forget your amp, along with its power cable. An amp without a power source is useless.
  • Extension Cables: Sometimes, power sources are far from your setup area. An extension cable ensures you can reach power no matter where you’re positioned.
  • Tuner Pedal: If you use a pedal tuner, make sure it’s packed and working properly.

Preparation Reduces Anxiety

Being over-prepared not only prevents mishaps but also reduces performance anxiety. Knowing you have backups for everything allows you to focus on your playing rather than worrying about gear failures.

Murphy’s Law and Live Performances

Murphy's Law is an important concept to keep in mind. If something can go wrong, it likely will. This mindset helps you anticipate potential problems and pack accordingly. For instance, if a string breaks mid-performance, having extra strings and a second guitar ensures you can quickly switch or replace the string without significant disruption.

Practical Experience

Let me share a personal experience: I once forgot my guitar for a show. Thankfully, a friend lent me theirs, but it taught me a valuable lesson about the importance of preparation. Now, I always make a checklist and double-check my gear before heading out.

Proper preparation is key to a successful live performance. By bringing extras of everything and having a detailed checklist, you can minimize the chances of equipment failures and focus on delivering a great show. Remember, the goal is to reduce anxiety and ensure you’re ready for anything Murphy’s Law throws your way.


Check Out More From Our Series on Live Performances:

Memorize Songs Like a Pro: Techniques for Live Guitar Performances

Building the Perfect Set List for Your Guitar Performance

The Importance of Rehearsing with Your Band: A Guide for Guitar Players

Overcoming Performance Anxiety: A Guide for Guitar Players


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About the coach

Sydney Ellen

Guitarist, Songwriter, & Performer


Sydney Ellen is a guitarist, songwriter, and live performer, hailing from Southern California. A multi-faceted musician, Sydney was first a trained pianist at age five. Growing up listening to Classic Rock and being heavily influenced by the performance style of Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin), Sydney expanded her musical talent to the guitar, and soon after discovered her love for songwriting. Sydney attended Berklee College of Music, graduating Summa Cum Laude, and after two decades of curating her skills, still dedicates herself to perfecting her craft every single day. No stranger to the stage, Sydney has years of experience performing Classic Rock, Metal, Hard Rock, Funk, Motown, and Pop, but perhaps her greatest skill is her ability to perform on stage with an enviable sense of ease - a skill that has left her decorated with numerous awards as one of the top rising female guitarists in the rock scene. Sydney's music has been featured on 95.5 KLOS and Nikki Sixx's radio show - Sixx Sense. Sydney has also worked with top brands like Barbie, Mattel, Hilton, EMG Pickups, Bones Coffee, and more. As a coach for over 10 years, and a Fender Play Instructor for over 5 years, she discovered a passion for helping others find the joys of learning an instrument. Sydney loves improving her abilities as a coach like developing new approaches to learning and memory, discovering techniques and skills through songs, and redefining the meaning of “practice” in our daily routine.

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