July 24, 2024

Essential Skills Needed to Play Striker

Mike Semenza


Essential Skills Needed to Play Striker Image

Welcome to our deep dive into playing striker! Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the role, this guide will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and drills needed to become a formidable striker.

I remember my first time stepping onto the field as a striker. The thrill of the game, the pressure to score, and the joy of hitting the back of the net—it was an experience that transformed my love for soccer. Through countless practices and games, I learned what it takes to excel in this exciting position.

Now, I'm here to share those insights with you. Let's dive into the world of goals, glory, and greatness together!

Understanding the Role of a Striker

The striker, also known as the forward, is the team's primary goal scorer. As a striker, your job is to find the back of the net and create scoring opportunities. Your role requires a combination of technical skill, tactical awareness, physical prowess, and mental toughness. Key responsibilities include:

  • Finishing: Converting chances into goals.
  • Movement: Creating space and positioning yourself to receive passes.
  • Link-up Play: Combining with midfielders and other forwards.
  • Pressing: Applying pressure on the opposition’s defenders.

Key Skills for a Striker


Finishing is the bread and butter of a striker. It's the ability to convert chances into goals, and mastering different types of shots is crucial for a striker's success.

  • Inside Foot: This shot is ideal for placement and precision. It involves using the inside part of your foot to guide the ball accurately towards the goal, often used in one-on-one situations with the goalkeeper or for placing the ball into the corners of the net.
  • Laces: Striking the ball with your laces generates power, making it suitable for long-distance strikes. This technique is essential for scoring from outside the penalty area or when you need to beat the goalkeeper with sheer force.
  • Volleys and Half-volleys: These shots require excellent timing and technique to strike the ball while it's in the air or just after it bounces. Mastering volleys and half-volleys allows you to capitalize on rebounds, crosses, and loose balls around the penalty area.
  • Headers: Using your head to direct the ball, especially from crosses, is a vital skill for a striker. Effective headers can turn crosses into goals, and having good aerial ability can make you a significant threat in set-piece situations.

Example Drill:

Set up cones around the penalty area and practice shooting from different angles and distances. Aim for the corners to improve accuracy. Start with inside foot shots for placement, then switch to using your laces for power. Incorporate volleys and half-volleys by having a partner serve the ball to you in the air. Finish the drill with headers, practicing timing and direction.

Movement and Positioning

Movement and positioning are critical aspects of a striker's game. They involve understanding where to be on the field at any given moment and how to create space for yourself and your teammates. Effective movement and positioning can be the difference between a good striker and a great one.

Great strikers like Robert Lewandowski and Harry Kane are masters of movement. They know when to drop deep, when to run in behind, and how to lose their markers. Here's why these skills are essential and how to develop them:

Understanding Movement and Positioning

  • Off-the-Ball Movement: This refers to the runs and movements a player makes when they don't have the ball. For a striker, this involves finding space, losing defenders, and positioning yourself to receive a pass or create a goal-scoring opportunity.
  • Positioning: This involves understanding where to be on the field to maximize your impact. Good positioning means being in the right place at the right time to receive the ball, take a shot, or support your teammates.

Example Drill:

During small-sided games, practice moving into different spaces and receiving the ball. After each pass, quickly scan the field to see where you can move next to be most effective. This helps in developing a natural sense of positioning and movement.

First Touch

A good first touch can set up a scoring opportunity, while a poor one can lose possession. Focus on controlling the ball quickly and efficiently, ensuring your touch directs the ball into space and away from defenders. This skill is crucial for maintaining possession and creating chances under pressure.

Example Drill:

Use a wall or a rebounder to pass the ball and work on your first touch. Control and shoot in one fluid motion.

Physicality and Fitness

Strikers need to be strong and fit to hold off defenders and maintain high intensity throughout the game. Physical strength allows strikers to shield the ball, win duels, and stay balanced under pressure. Fitness is essential for sustaining high energy levels, making repeated sprints, and staying effective in the final minutes. Strength training, such as resistance exercises, helps to build the necessary muscle power.

Agility drills enhance quick directional changes and responsiveness, crucial for evading defenders. Sprint exercises improve explosive speed, vital for breaking through defensive lines and capitalizing on goal-scoring opportunities. These elements are crucial for peak performance.

Example Drill:

Incorporate interval training with sprints, agility ladders, and cone drills to improve your speed and agility.

Tactical Awareness

Understanding the game and making intelligent decisions are vital for a striker. This involves learning to read the game effectively, anticipating the moves of defenders, and exploiting spaces to create scoring opportunities. A good striker needs to be aware of the positioning of both teammates and opponents, recognizing patterns and predicting the flow of play.

This strategic insight allows for better positioning, timing of runs, and decision-making, whether it’s deciding when to shoot, pass, or dribble. By continuously analyzing and adapting to the game, a striker can stay one step ahead, consistently posing a threat to the opposition’s defense.

Mental Toughness and Strikers

Strikers need mental toughness to succeed in their demanding role on the field. This involves maintaining focus and composure under pressure, especially during critical moments like one-on-one situations with the goalkeeper or taking a decisive penalty kick. Mental resilience helps strikers cope with setbacks, such as missed opportunities or physical challenges from defenders, allowing them to quickly rebound and stay determined.

Confidence and a positive mindset are crucial for staying motivated and seizing every scoring chance. Mental toughness also involves maintaining concentration throughout the entire game, making intelligent decisions, and continuously adapting to the ever-changing dynamics of the match.

Professional Strikers to Watch!

Studying professional strikers can provide valuable insights. Watch players like Erling Haaland for his explosive runs, Lionel Messi for his dribbling and finishing, and Karim Benzema for his link-up play and positioning. Analyze their movements, decision-making, and techniques.

Drills to Enhance Your Striker Skills

Shooting Drills

  1. Target Practice: Set up targets in the goal (e.g., corners) and practice hitting them from different positions.
  2. One-on-One Finishing: Practice beating a goalkeeper in one-on-one situations, focusing on composure and accuracy.

Movement Drills

  1. Shadow Striker: Work with a partner who acts as a defender. Practice losing them with sharp movements and quick changes of direction.
  2. Combination Play: Practice short passes and layoffs with midfielders, followed by a quick shot on goal.

Fitness Drills

  1. Sprint and Shoot: Set up cones in a straight line. Sprint to each cone, receive a pass, and shoot on goal.
  2. Agility Ladder: Use an agility ladder to improve footwork and speed. Follow up with a shot on goal.

Final Thoughts on Strikers

Playing as a striker is one of the most exciting and rewarding positions in soccer. By honing your skills, studying the pros, and practicing with dedication, you can become a goal-scoring machine. Remember, the key is to have fun, stay confident, and always strive for improvement. Now, get out there and start scoring!

Learn More With Blayze!

The secret to mastering any skill is practice! Could you use direct feedback from a professional coach on how to increase your soccer striker skills and dominate on the field? At Blayze we give you a personalized coaching session from the very best coaches in the world.

Blayze professional coaches know what it is like to work hard to achieve their dreams. They help youth athletes identify areas of improvement and develop a realistic plan on how to accomplish goals. Our athletes are learning more than skill development. They are learning life lessons of perseverance, overcoming hurdles, and the responsibility of managing their success.

Blayze coaches are current professional athletes. They know what the best in the world do because they are the best in the world.

For a truly unique and personalized feedback experience, submit your performance video to one of Blayze’s highly qualified coaches. The custom-developed coaching session can help you improve your on-field skills, so you are performing at your very best in every game. One easy click will take you to more details on our coaching sessions.

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Mike Semenza

Coach For L.A. Galaxy Development Team


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